Power Girl: Ericka Polanco-Webb


If there's one #supermom that you should get to know, meet our 3rd #powergirl of G.I.A. Luxe, Ericka Polanco-Webb.


As an #africanamericanwoman teenage single mom to a college grad, Ericka, crushed the stereotype. She still continues to challenge the unconscious bias as a mother of 5 (one of which is #specialneeds ) a motherhood journalist and mom strategist/blogger, a podcaster and a Master IEP Coach....OMG! A mouth full but yet incredibly aspirational 🥳

So we asked the fierce Power Girl a short Q&A:

Tell us about #powerbag that you are featured in?

Ericka: The bag fits the 3 C's...Chic, Compact and Classy. I am a mother of 5, ages range from 2-17 years old and so as you can imagine I need a bag that is practical yet functional to serve me best as the "edgy" mom that I am🏿 The crossbody is great from an afternoon of PTO meetings to dinner dates with my girlfriends or hubby.

How does this bag fit into your lifestyle?

Ericka: Since I have 2 toddlers and a son in a wheelchair, it is so important to have a handbag that is versatile and stylish. The crossbody bag allows me to be hands free yet I can fit all of my basic essentials...yes even the fruit snacks for the toddlers

What is something unique that you carry in your bag?

Ericka: My bags must have 2 things at all times, energy A charger and a granola bar to be exact!

If your Power Bag had superhero powers, what power would it have?

Ericka: #drive

As a Master IEP Coach and having first hand experience with my special needs son, I live and breathe the drive and ambition to serve as a parent and to help others feel just as confident in their role.

That wraps our third Girl Power Series by G.I.A. Luxe. Hope we could add some determination into your day.

Elise Tello